secondlife explorations on 12/3
bryanp | December 4, 2008Secondlife has become a place where I go and feel like a worker ant nowadays. It is a weird analogy but is fitting because for the past few class periods I have come to class knowing I was going to spend considerable amounts of time working on manufacturing the clothing I want to put up for sale. One of the more unfortunate things that our group has recently encountered was the loss of our original store location. We used to have a place set in a shopping mall that I felt gave us a great spot to sell our stuff. We have since been moved to a location that feels as if its in a remote location that puts our merchandise in a black enclosed surrounding. I cant say that I like the new location because it is not visually pleasing at all. This is only a minor problem that im sure we will work through and still get the finished product that we have been hoping for.